NGLC Latin Brochure
Available for ICC Members:

“Latin: More than Just a Language”

The National Committee for Latin and Greek in cooperation with the American Classical League recently printed 35,000 copies of a color brochure to encourage the study of Latin in secondary schools.  “Latin: More than Just a Language” is an American version of a brochure produced several years ago by the Joint Association of Classical Teachers in Britain.  Virginia Barrett and Tom Sienkewicz revised the text and photos.  About 3000 copies were distributed gratis to teachers at ACL Institute in June and 1000 complimentary copies sent to each of the NCLG’s sponsoring member associations.  The brochures are suitable for distribution to students, parents, school boards, or school administrators. the six panel brochure also available electonically at : The purpose of the brochure is to encourage students in secondary schools to study Latin language and Roman culture. The brochure provides reasons for the study of Latin: that it is a major source of English and the Romance languages; provides direct access to some of the finest literature and art; brings students into the mainstream of their own culture; and helps prepare students for college admissions and interesting careers.  Former Latin students and celebrities like Coach Joe Paterno and comedian Teller testify to the value of studying the subject. The brochure has photos of Roman architecture, technology, and JCL students in togas. 

Copies of this brochure are available to ICC members free of charge by contacting President Vicki Wine ( Sets of brochures up to 100 per teacher may also be ordered from the ACL’s Teaching Materials Resource Center for $5 flat rate per order for shipping and handling: Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056 or phone (513) 529-7741. Classical organizations needing more copies may order in bulk from Virginia Barrett for $100 per 1000 brochures. Send your check, payable to the NCLG, to 11371 Matinicus Court, Cypress, CA 90630. Allow three weeks for delivery. Please indicate where and to whom the brochures should be mailed.  We hope that teachers will use them to build and maintain their Latin programs and membership in JCL clubs.  

Copies of this brochure will also be available at the fall ICC meeting.