2007 ACL Institute

Program Overview


Caveat: This program is tentative. All times and locations are subject to change and modification. If you have any comments, suggestions, or corrections, please contact Tom Sienkewicz at toms@monm.edu.



      12:00-4:30 pm Guided Tour of Classical Nashville

(by pre-registration only)

      4:30-7:30 pm Dinner  Rand Dining Center (optional)

 6:00 – 9:00 pm Pre-Institute Workshops



      7:30-9:00 am Breakfast in Rand Dining Center (optional)

 8:00 – 11:00 am Pre-Institute Workshops Cont.

 8:30 – 11:30 am SummerLatin NASHVILLE!

      11:00 -  3:00 pm Lunch  Rand Dining Center

       2:00 –  7:00 pm Teaching Materials and Book Display

12:45 – 2:15 pm First Session of Papers and Workshops

 2:30 – 4:00 pm Second Session of Papers and Workshops

      4:15 – 5:15 pm PLENARY (NCLG)


      4:30  – 7:30 pm Dinner  Rand Dining Center

 6:30 – 7:30 pm WELCOMING PLENARY

 8:00 – 10:00 pm Welcoming Reception ("Party at the Parthenon")


FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2007

       7:30-  9:00 am Breakfast  Rand Dining Center

  7:00 – 8:30 am NLE Advisory Committee Breakfast Meeting

  8:30 – 9:45 am ACL Council Meeting

       9:00 – 5:00 pm Teaching Materials and Book Display

10:00 – 11:30 am Third Session of Papers and Workshops

     11:00 -  2:00 pm Lunch  Rand Dining Center

 11:45 – 1:45 pm National Latin Exam Committee Working Lunch

12:45 – 2:15 pm Fourth Session of Papers and Workshops

2:45 – 3:45 pm ACL/APA Joint Committee on the Classics in American Education

  2:45 – 3:45 pm Fifth Session of Papers and Workshops

  4:00–5:15 Plenary Session

  4:30-7:30 pm Dinner  Rand Dining Center

  7:00 – 9:00 pm Awards Program

  9:00 – 10:30 pm President’s Reception



      7:30-9:00 am Breakfast  Rand Dining Center

      8:15 – 9:15 am Sixth Session of Papers and Workshops

      9:00 – 3:00 pm Teaching Materials and Book Display  

      9:30 – 10:30 am  Seventh Session of Papers and Workshops

     10:45 – 12:00 am Eighth Session of Papers and Workshops

     11:00 -  2:00 pm Lunch  Rand Dining Center

11:30 –  1:00 pm Lunch for Organizational Delegates to the  ACL  Council

       1:00 – 2:30 pm Ninth Session of Papers and Workshops

       300- -- 4:00  National Junior Classical League Committee  Meeting

       3:00 – 4:00pm Tenth Session of Papers and Workshops

4:15 – 5:15 pm Fora: Informal Discussions on Institute Themes.  Quo Vadimus?

       7:00 – 9:00 pm Banquet

       9:00 – 10:30 pm Farewell Dessert Reception


Special Meetings





FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2007

7:00 – 8:30 am NLE Advisory Committee Breakfast Meeting

8:30 – 9:45 am ACL Council Meeting

     11:45 – 1:45 pm National Latin Exam Committee Working Lunch

2:30 – 3:30 pm ACL/APA Joint Committee on the Classics in American Education



      11:30 –  1:00 pm Lunch for Organizational Delegates to the ACL Council

   3:00 – 4:00 National Junior Classical League Committee Meeting





12:00 – 4:30 GUIDED Tour of Classical NASHVILLE

See http://www.aclclassics.org/Institute/2006/WalkingTour.asp THIS NEEDS TO BE POSTED.


4:30-7:30 pm Dinner

Rand Dining Center  (optional)


6:00 – 9:00 pm Pre-Institute Workshops


Workshop A

Buttrick 101

Teaching AP Catullus

Mary Pendergraft, Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, North Carolina (pender@wfu.edu)

Dawn LaFon, White Station High School, Memphis, Tennessee (DLafon740@aol.com)

Chris Francese, Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania (francese@dickinson.edu)

Susan Bonvallet, The Wellington School,  Columbus, Ohio (bonvallet@wellington.org)

Workshop B  

Wilson 126

Active Latin: Speaking and Writing in Latin as Complementary Activities in the Classroom

Terence Tunberg, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky   (terence.tunberg@gmail.com)

Milena Minkova, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky  (mmink2@uky.edu)


Workshop C

Wilson 112
Catching them in the Middle 2007: Having Fun Through Co-operative Learning and Games in the Latin Classroom

 Joseph Davenport, Norwell Middle School, Norwell, Massachusetts  (davenport@norwellschools.org)
Tom Hayes, Ward Melville High School, East Setauket, New York

Workshop D 

Garland 119

Web Weaving: Supporting Your Classes Online

Rob Latousek,Centaur Systems, Ltd Madison, Wisconsin (latousek@centaursystems.com)

Cindy Caltagirone, National Latin Exam Consultant (ccaltagirone@satx.rr.com) 


Workshop E

Buttrick 102

Monstra Mihi Pecuniam: Show Me the Money

ZeeAnn Poerio, St. Louise de Marillac School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (zeepoerio@aol.com) 

Leslie Perkins, St. Johns Country Day School,  Orange Park, Florida (Leslie_Perkins@StJohnsCDS.com)

Susie Scoppa, Irondequoit High School, New York  (sscoppa1@rochester.rr.com)

Tom Buggey, University of Tennessee - Chattanooga


Workshop F 

Wilson 121

Multisensory Learning in the Advanced Latin Classroom

Marianthe Colakis, The Covenant School, Charlottesville, Virginia  (mcolakis@hotmail.com)

Alana Lukes, Paul VI Catholic High School, Fairfax, Virginia (latinamagistra@rocketmail.com)

Justin Schwamm, Massey Hill High School, Fayetteville, North Carolina (jschwamm@earthlink.net)


Workshop G

Wilson 127

Disce ut Doceas: Preparing to be a TA in Latin

Mark A. Thorne, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa  (mark-thorne@uiowa.edu)

Polyxeni Strolonga, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois (strolong@uiuc.edu)

Sharada Price, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa (sharada-price@uiowa.edu)


Workshop H

Wilson 103

LatinSummer Nashville: You Can Do It Too!          

Kristen Boose, Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute (kristenboose@gmail.com)           

Suzanne Henrich, Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute (shenrich@ascaniusyci.org)           

Bryan Whitchurch, Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute (bwhitchu@classics.umass.edu)



7:30-9:00 am Breakfast

 Rand Dining Center (optional)


8:00 – 11:00 am Pre-Institute Workshops (continue)


Workshop A

Wilson 112

Teaching AP Catullus


Workshop B  

Wilson 126

Active Latin: Speaking and Writing in Latin as Complementary Activities in the Classroom


Workshop C

Buttrick 101

Catching them in the Middle 2007: Having Fun Through Co-operative Learning and Games in the Latin Classroom


Workshop D

Garland 119

Web Weaving: Supporting Your Classes Online


Workshop E

Buttrick 102

Monstra Mihi Pecuniam: Show Me the Money


Workshop F

Wilson 121 

Multisensory Learning in the Advanced Latin Classroom


Workshop G

Wilson 127

Disce ut Doceas: Preparing to be a TA in Latin


Workshop H

8:30 – 11:30 am

Wilson 103

LatinSummer Nashville! You Can Do It Too!


11:00 -  2:00 pm Lunch

Rand Dining Center


12:00 –  7:00 pm Teaching Materials and Book Display

Branscomb Rec Room

Refreshments Available

Poster Contest Display

Institute Memorabilia Display


12:45 – 2:15 pm First Session of Papers and Workshops


Session A

Wilson 103


An "Instant" Approach to Helping Students

Nicholas Young, University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy, Detroit, Michigan  (youngnb@aol.com)


Visual Translations on the Interactive Whiteboard

Karin Suzadail, Owen J. Roberts High School, Pottstown, Pennsylvania   (ksuzadail@ojrsd.com)


Helping Students Transition from Grammar Exercises to Reading Poetry   

Mardah Weinfield, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Wauconda, Illinois  (mweinfield@aol.com)


Presider: John Breuker, Jr., Western Reserve Academy, Hudson, Ohio  (breukerj@wra.net)


Session B

Wilson 112


Honors and the Ancients       

T. Davina McClain, Scholars' College at NSU, Natchitoches, Louisiana  (mcclaind@nsula.edu)


Elementary Latin Pedagogy in University Model Schools    

Tiffany Lee, Heritage Academy, Columbia, Missouri  (talqk7@mizzou.edu)     


Learning to Teach in a University Environment                           

Lyndy Danvers, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Martha Davis, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (madavis@temple.edu)



Dawn LaFon, White Station High School, Memphis, Tennessee (DLafon740@aol.com)


Session C 

Wilson 113


Induite Latinae Pars Prima: Put on Your Latin, Part I

Bob Patrick, Parkview High School,  Lilburn, Georgia (potoole1@bellsouth.net

John Piazza, St. Vincent de Paul High School, Petaluma, California(jpatpiazza@yahoo.com
Nancy LLewellyn, Wyoming Catholic College, Lander, Wyoming



Chris Francese, Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania (francese@dickinson.edu)


Session D needs slide projector

Wilson 126


Food and Drink in the Roman World           

William Mayer, Hunter College (CUNY, New York, New York ) (wmayer@hunter.cuny.edu)


Presider: Donald Connor, Trinity School, New York, New York  (donald.connor@trinityschoolnyc.org)         


Session E

Garland 119


Digital Images 101

Cindy Caltagirone, National Latin Exam Consultant (ccaltagirone@satx.rr.com) 


Presider: Lisa St. Louis, Robert Welch University, Appleton, Wisconsin (lstlouis@robertwelchuniversity.org)  


2:30 – 4:00 pm Second Session of Papers and Workshops


Session A

Wilson 112


Ancient Greek Anew! Developing a Standards-based Curriculum

Mark Pearsall, Glastonbury High School,  Glastonbury, Connecticut



Presider: Peter Howard, Troy University, Troy,  Alabama  (aclplacement@troy.edu)


Session B

Wilson 113


Induite Latinae, Pars Secunda, Put on Your Latin--Part II:  Communicative Approaches in the Latin Classroom

John Piazza, St. Vincent de Paul High School, Petaluma, California  (jpatpiazza@yahoo.com)


Presider: Mardah Weinfield, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers,  Wauconda, Illinois  (mweinfield@aol.com)


Session C 

Wilson 126


Roman Self-Assurance and Images of the Enemy in Texts, Paintings, and Movies about Hannibal               

Hans-Joachim Glόcklich, University of Heidelberg, Germany  (GlueHJ@aol.com)


Presider: Stan Iverson, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota  (iverson@cord.edu)


Session D

Buttrick 101


Beyond the Power Point Bulleted List: Become a Techno-fabulous Teacher.

Susan Belmonte, St. Pius Catholic High School, Atlanta, Georgia  (sbelmonte@spx.org)


Presider: Kathleen de Riesthal, Commack High School,  Commack, New York   (kderiesthal@yahoo.com)   


Session E

Buttrick 102


Monstra Mihi Pecuniam: Show Me The Money - Using Ancient Coins in the Classroom

Zee Ann Poerio, St. Louise de Marillac School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (zeepoerio@aol.com)
Leslie Perkins, St. Johns Country Day School, Orange Park, Florida (Leslie_Perkins@stjohnscds.com)
Susie Scoppa, Irondequoit High School, NY (sscoppa1@rochester.rr.com)
Tom Buggey, The University of Tennessee - Chattanooga

Presider: Joe Davenport, Norwell Middle School, Norwell,  Massachusetts  (davenport@norwellschools.org)


Session F

Garland 119


Unlocking the Power of Microsoft Word: Macros and Templates for the Latin Classroom

Anna Andresian, Sage Ridge School, Reno, Nevada  (anna@magistrula.com)  


Presider: Wallace Ragan, St. Alban’s School, Washington, DC  (Wallace_Ragan@cathedral.org)



4:15 – 5:15 pm Plenary (panel discussion)

Wilson 103


National Advocacy for Latin in the 21st Century

Sponsored by the National Committee for Latin and Greek (NCLG)


National Advocacy and the NCLG

Nancy McKee, Chair of NCLG (mckeena@aol.com)


National Advocacy for Foreign Language Study

 J. David Edwards, NJCL-NCLIS, Washington, DC (programs@languagepolicy.org)


Classics and the Foreign Language Profession: Collaboration Gets Results

 Marty Abbott, ACTFL (mabbott@ACTFL.ORG)


Summary and Plan for the Future

Nancy McKee, Chair of NCLG (mckeena@aol.com)


Presider: Nancy McKee, Chair of NCLG (mckeena@aol.com)


4:30 – 7:30 pm Dinner

Rand Dining Center



Holiday Inn Select, Room: Centennial C

5:45 – 6:30

Open Forum for Middle School Teachers sponsored by the Committee on Middle School Latin
Wilson 113

Presider: Joe Davenport, Norwell Middle School, Norwell,  Massachusetts  (davenport@norwellschools.org)


6:30 – 7:30 pm WELCOMING PLENARY

Wilson 103

Welcome to Vanderbilt


F. Carter Philips, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennesse  (f.carter.philips@vanderbilt.edu)


"What Are You Going to Do with That?!" Top Ten Reasons to Major in Classical Studies           

Daniel Solomon, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee (daniel.p.solomon@vanderbilt.edu)


8:00 – 10:00 pm Welcoming Reception ("Party at the Parthenon!")


FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2007

       7:30-9:00 am Breakfast 

   Rand Dining Center


  7:00 – 8:30 am NLE Advisory Committee Breakfast Meeting

  Rand Dining Center Function Room


  8:30 – 9:45 am ACL Council Meeting

   Wilson 103


      9:00 – 5:00 pm Teaching Materials and Book Display

Branscomb Rec Room

Refreshments Available

Poster Contest Display

Institute Memorabilia Display


10:00 – 11:30 am Third Session of Papers and Workshops


Session A

Calhoun 218 with Skylab in Portico


The Mythology and Constellations Behind Popular Horoscope Signs          

Tina Moller, Sandy Run Middle School, Dresher, Pennsylvania  (tmoller@udsd.org)   

David James, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee (djj@estrella.phy.vanderbilt.edu)


Presider: Kathy Elifrits, Covington Latin School, Covington, Kentucky  (kelifrits@netzero.net)


Session B

Wilson 112


Cicero the Reluctant Teacher: Style and Self-presentation   

Daniel Solomon, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee  (daniel.p.solomon@vanderbilt.edu)


A Challenge to the Innocence of Caelius: De Crimine Veneni         

Jaime Claymore, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida  (latinteach@bellsouth.net)


Creating a Circulating Ancient Coin Collection

Peter Howard, Troy University, Troy, Alabama (phoward@troy.edu)



Karin Suzadail, Owen J. Roberts High School, Pottstown, Pennsylvania   (ksuzadail@ojrsd.com)



Session C

Wilson 113


Greek and Latin through the Power of Sound           

Richard Evans , Holy Spirit Preparatory School, Atlanta, Georgia (revans@holyspiritprep.org)


Learning about Multi-Layered Roman Society Through Law

Timothy Renner, Montclair State University , Montclair, New Jersey (rennert@mail.montclair.edu)


Revising Penelope: From Ovid to Atwood   

Judith de Luce, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio  (delucej@muohio.edu)   


Presider: Sally Davis, National Latin Exam  (saldavis@comcast.net)


Session D

Wilson 126


Observations on Names and Word Play in the Aeneid          

Donald Connor, Trinity School, New York, New York  (donald.connor@trinityschoolnyc.org)


Using Marlowe's Tragedy of Dido to Teach Virgil   

Geoff  Revard, Saint Stephen's Episcopal School, Bradenton, Florida  (grevard@saintstephens.org)  


Some Characteristics of Vergilian Style        

John Breuker, Jr., Western Reserve Academy, Hudson, Ohio  (breukerj@wra.net)    


Presider: Ian Hockberg, St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes School, Alexandria, Virginia  (ihocberg@sssas.org)


Session E

Buttrick 101


Classics On-Site, Roman Perspectives           

Paul Gwynne, University of Rome, American University of Rome, Rome, Italy  (p.gwynne@aur.edu)


Presider: Sue Robertson, Midlothian High School , Midlothian, Virginia (krobertson5@juno.com)


Session F (11:00-11:30 A.M.)

Buttrick 102


Colloquimini nobiscum! Workshop on Basics of Oral Latin

Terence Tunberg, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky  (terence.tunberg@gmail.com)

Milena Minkova, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky  (mmink2@uky.edu)


Presider: Amy Sommer, Cherry Creek High School, Greenwood Village, Colorado  (amycsommer@yahoo.com )



NACCP meeting

Wilson 127


11:00 -  2:00 pm Lunch

Rand Dining Center

Mensa Latina (11:45-12:30)

Terence Tunberg, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky   (terence.tunberg@gmail.com)

Milena Minkova, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky  (mmink2@uky.edu)


11:45 – 1:45 pm National Latin Exam Committee Working Lunch

Holiday Inn Select


12:45 – 2:15 pm Fourth Session of Papers and Workshops

Session A


Calhoun 218 with Skylab in Portico

The Mythology and Constellations Behind Popular Horoscope Sign (repeat of earlier session)   

Tina Moller, Sandy Run Middle School, Dresher, Pennsylvania  (tmoller@udsd.org

David James, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee  (djj@estrella.phy.vanderbilt.edu)


Presider: Jeremy Walker, Crown Point High School, Crown Point, Indiana  (pr@njcl.org)


Session B

Wilson 112


Houses of Mortals and Gods: NEH Summer Institute 2006

Sr. Therese Marie Dougherty, College of Notre Dame,  Baltimore, Maryland (TDOUGHERTY@NDM.EDU)


Visualizing the World of the Romans with Digital Slideshows and GoogleEarth

Amy Sommer, Cherry Creek High School, Greenwood Village, Colorado



Bringing Ancient Italy beyond the Latin Classroom to Students in Other Disciplines

Abigail Braddock, St. George's Independent School , Collierville, Tennessee  (abraddock@gmail.com)


Enhancing the Teaching of Horace through Images

Jaime Claymore, University of Florida, Gainesville,  Florida  (latinteach@bellsouth.net)


Teaching Roman Monuments through Google Sketch-up

Lynne West, Bellarmine College Preparatory, San Jose, California  (lwest@bcp.org)


Vergil's Inspiration: A Photo Journal of Campania
Noel Jenks, Marietta High School, Marietta, Georgia (njenks@marietta-city.k12.ga.us)


Presider:  T. Davina McClain, Scholars' College at NSU, Natchitoches, Louisiana (mcclaind@nsula.edu)


Session C 

Wilson 113


Using "Conversational Latin" in the Classroom        

Mark Miner, freelance poet and recording artist, Atlanta, Georgia (mrminer071166@yahoo.com)


Presider: Martha Altieri, Woodbridge High School Irvine, California   (convention@njcl.org)


Session D

Buttrick 101


The Trojan War in Cartoon Art

Thomas J. Sienkewicz, Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois  (toms@monm.edu)


Presider: Sandra Woodward , Granger High School, West Valley City, Utah



Session E

Buttrick, 102


From Zero to Greek: An Introduction to the Language for Everyone          

Wilfred Major, Louisiana State University,  Baton Rouge, Louisiana  (wmajor@lsu.edu)         


Presider: Laura Long, Montgomery Central High School, Cunnningham, Tennessee (academics@njcl.org)


Session F

Wilson 126


Ecce Romani @2009: A Sneak Peek

Cathy Wilson,  Prentice Hall Glenview, Illinois (Cathy.wilson@PHSchool.com)


Presider: Marty Abbott, ACTFL, Alexandria, Virginia  (mabbott@actfl.org)


1:00 - 1:30

Buttrick 101

Elementary and Middle School Teachers' Forum sponsored by ETC all are welcome

ZeeAnn Poerio, St. Louise de Marillac School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (zeepoerio@aol.com) 

1:30 - 2:00

Buttrick 101

Excellence Through Classics General Meeting--
all are welcome!

ZeeAnn Poerio, St. Louise de Marillac School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (zeepoerio@aol.com) 


2:30 – 3:30 pm ACL/APA Joint Committee on the Classics in American Education 
Wilson 127


2:30 – 3:30 pm Fifth Session of Papers and Workshops

Session A

Wilson 112


Scanning Dactylic Hexameter, or, the Uses and Abuses of the Ablative of Metrical Convenience 

Patricia Rektorik-Sprinkle, retired  Denton Public Schools, Denton, Texas (pj.rektorik@verizon.net)


Presider: Linda Montross, NLE,  Fredericksburg, Virginia  (amovos@aol.com)


Session B

Wilson 113


Working in and with the Language: 1st and 2nd years         

Conrad Barrett, California  State University, Long Beach, California    (rconradbarrett@aol.com)   


Presider: Ephy Howard, Charles Henderson High School, Troy, Alabama  (epec@troycable.net)


Session C 

Wilson 126


Catullus and His World         

Licia Landi, SSIS del Veneto - University of Venice, Venice, Italy  (licialandi@yahoo.it)


Presider: Dobbie Vasquez, Menlo School, Atherton,  California (graphicarts@njcl.org)


Session D

Buttrick 101


Building Blocks as Manipulatives in the Latin Class

John Fox, Norview Middle School,  Norfolk, Virginia  (Runemag@aol.com)


Presider: Christine Conklin, Thomas Jefferson School of Science & Technology, Alexandria, Virginia  (constitution@njcl.org)


Session E

Buttrick 102


Writing Latin Stories 

Stan Farrow, Scarborough, Ontario  (stanleyfarrow@rogers.com) 


Presider: Marie Bolchazy, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Wauconda, Illinois  (mbolchazy@bolchazy.com)


Session F

Wilson 103


Bridging the Gap Between Levels in a Reading Program

Rick Seay, Montgomery Bell Academy, Nashville, Tennessee   (seayr@montgomerybell.edu)  

Anderson Gaither, Montgomery Bell Academy, Nashville, Tennessee gaithea@montgomerybell.edu)


Presider:  David A. Guinee, DePauw University, Green Castle, Indiana  (DGUINEE@depauw.edu)



3:45–5:15 Plenary Session

Wilson 103


President's Roundtable on Latin Teacher Training  

Ken Kitchell, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts  (kkitchel@classics.umass.edu)

Barbara Hill, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado  (barbara.hill@colorado.edu)

Lee Pearcy, Episcopal Academy, The Episcopal Academy, Merion, Pennsylvania  (LPearcy@ea1785.org)

David A. Guinee, DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana  (DGUINEE@depauw.edu)


Presider: Sherwin Little, Indian Hill High School, Cincinnati, Ohio  (president@aclclassics.org)


4:30-7:30 pm Dinner

 Rand Dining Center


7:00 – 9:00 pm Awards Program

Wilson 103
Announcement of ACL and publisher awards and prizes

Entertainment by Sound Inventions

Presider: Sherwin Little, Indian Hill High School, Cincinnati, Ohio  (president@aclclassics.org)


9:00 – 10:30 pm President’s Reception

Holiday Inn Select



7:30-9:00 am Breakfast

 Rand Dining Center


8:15 – 9:15 am Sixth Session of Papers and Workshops


Session A

Wilson 112


Language and Culture: Forever Linked

TBA: Stephanie Pope, Norfolk Academy Norfolk, Virginia  (smpope@cox.net)        


Presider: Jim Stewart, Sturgis Charter Public School,  Hyannis, Massachusetts (magister18459@hotmail.com)  


Session B

Wilson 113


Teaching the Latin Language: TPRS+           

Jaime Claymore, M ill Creek High School, Hoschton, Georgia,  (latinteach@bellsouth.net)   


Presider: Barbara Hill, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado  (barbara.hill@colorado.edu)


Session C 

Wilson 126


Vitrum Romanum: A Pane in the Glass         

Margaret Hicks, Lloyd C. Bird High School, Chesterfield, Virginia   (margaretdhicks@comcast.net)


Presider: William Mayer, Hunter College (CUNY), New York, New York  (wmayer@hunter.cuny.edu)


Session D

Buttrick 101


Ecce Roma!    

Debra Baker-Schneider, Seymour High School, Seymour, Indiana (dbs55@yahoo.com)          


Presider:  Rick Seay, Montgomery Bell Academy , Nashville, Tennessee (seayr@montgomerybell.edu)  


Session E

Buttrick 102


Literature in Latin I

Rose Williams, McMurry University, Abilene, Texas (rwill627@suddenlink.net)    


Presider: Stan Farrow, Scarborough, Ontario



9:00 – 3:00 pm Teaching Materials and Book Display  

Branscomb Rec. Room

Refreshments Available

Poster Contest Display

Institute Memorabilia Display


9:30 – 10:30 am Seventh Session of Papers and Workshops

Session A

Wilson 112


Ecce Romani Teacher Sharing Workshop      

Sally Hatcher, Winsor School,  Boston, Massachusetts (shatcher@winsor.edu)           


Presider: Debra Baker-Schneider, Seymour High School, Seymour, Indiana   (dbs55@yahoo.com)



Session B 

Wilson 126


Latin and the Academically/Intellectually Gifted Program in Onslow County, NC

Frank Morris, College of Charleston , Charleston,  South Carolina  (morrisj@cofc.edu)    

Trudy Morris, Charleston Southern University,  Charleston, South Carolina


Ann Spangler,  Onslow County Schools, North Carolina  (ann.spangler@onslow.k12.nc.us)   

Molly Peagler, Onslow County Schools, North Carolina  (Molly.Peagler@onslow.k12.nc.us)  

James Shaw, Onslow County Schools, North Carolina  (James.Shaw@onslow.k12.nc.us)


Presider:  Leslie Perkins, St. Johns Country Day School,  Orange Park, Florida  (Leslie_Perkins@StJohnsCDS.com)                    


Session C

Wilson 103

The National Latin Exam: How It All Works

Sally Davis, retired, Arlington, Virginia  (saldavis@comcast.net)

Ian Hockberg, St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes School, Alexandria, Virginia  (ihocberg@sssas.org)

Sue Robertson, Midlothian High School, Midlothian, Virginia (krobertson5@juno.com)

Joe Davenport, Norwell Middle School, Norwell, Massachusetts  (davenport@norwellschools.org)

Marty Abbott, ACTFL  (mabbott@actfl.org)

Linda Montross, retired, Vienna, Virginia  (amovos@aol.com)

Kathy Elifrits, Covington Latin School, Covington, Kentucky  (kelifrits@netzero.net)

Wallace Ragan, St Alban’s School, Washington, DC  (Wallace_Ragan@cathedral.org)

Ephy Howard, Charles Henderson High School, Troy, Alabama  (epec@troycable.net)

Sandra Woodward, Granger High School, West Valley City, Utah  (sandra.woodward@granite.k12.ut.us)


Presider: Paul Properzio, Boston Latin Academy, Boston, Massachusetts  (newsletter@aclclassics.org)       


Session D

Buttrick 101


More Than Etymology: ‘Roots’ in a Summer Science Program

           Michael Johnson, Buffalo State College, Buffalo, New York



Presider: Mary English,  Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey   (englishm@mail.montclair.edu)   


Session E

Buttrick 102


Purpose Driven Teaching: Creating a Methodology to Reflect Our Purpose

Amy Schrepfer-Tarter, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona  (schrepfe@email.arizona.edu)

Sarah Jacobson, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona   (slj@email.arizona.edu)


Presider: Nancy McKee, Chair NCLG (mckeena@aol.com)


Session F

Wilson 113


A New Method for Teaching the Aeneid      

Deborah Stakenas, Kentwood Public Schools, Kentwood, Michigan   (deborahstakenas@hotmail.com)


Presider: Amy Martin-Nelson, All Saint's Episcopal School,  Fort Worth, Texas  (amartinnelson@yahoo.com)



10:45-12:00 Eighth Session of Papers and Workshops

Session A

Wilson 112


Vox Faucibus Haesit: Taking the Fear out of Latin Composition. New Techniques, New Approaches       

Kenneth Kitchell, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts  (kkitchel@classics.umass.edu)       


Presider: Sr. Therese Marie Dougherty, College of Notre Dame, Baltimore, Maryland  (TDOUGHERTY@NDM.EDU)


Session B

Wilson 113


Systematic English Vocabulary Acquisition   

Brett Brunner, Tandem Friends School, Charlottesville, Virginia (starnemeton@hotmail.com)             


Presider: Jaime Claymore, Mill Creek High School, Hoschton, Georgia   (latinteach@bellsouth.net)


Session C 

Blair 2190


Writing Latin Song Lyrics     

Stan Farrow, Scarborough, Ontario  (stanleyfarrow@rogers.com)  



David Volk, Fargo North High School (volkd@fargo.k12.nd.us)




Session D

Wilson 126


Shelter from the Storm: Bob Dylan & Book IV of the Aeneid         

Amy Martin-Nelson, All Saint's Episcopal School,  Fort Worth, Texas  (amartinnelson@yahoo.com)


Catullus, Vergil, Ovid: Teaching a Latin 5 Poetry Honors Elective  

Paul Properzio, Boston Latin Academy, Boston, Massachusetts  (newsletter@aclclassics.org)                            

Presider: Lou Bolchazy, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Wauconda, Illinois  (lou@bolchazy.com)


Session E

Buttrick 101


Digital Demosthenes: New Pedagogy for Old Languages

            Andrew Reinhard, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Wauconda, Illinois (areinhard@bolchazy.com)


Presider: Justin Schwamm, Massey Hill High School, Fayetteville, North Carolina   (jschwamm@earthlink.net)


Session F 11:00-11:30

Buttrick 102


Colloquimini nobiscum! Workshop on Basics of Oral Latin

Terence Tunberg, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky  (terence.tunberg@gmail.com)

Milena Minkova, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky  (mmink2@uky.edu)


Presider: Abigail Braddock, St. George's Independent School, Collierville, Tennessee (abraddock@gmail.com)


11:30 – 2:00 pm Lunch

Rand Dining Center


Mensa Latina (11:45-12:30)

Terence Tunberg, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky   (terence.tunberg@gmail.com)

Milena Minkova, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky  (mmink2@uky.edu)


11:30 – 1:00 pm Lunch

 Organizational Delegates to the ACL Council

Rand Dining  Function Room


1:00 – 2:30 pm Ninth Session of Papers and Workshops

Session A

Wilson 103


Report on the 2007 AP Vergil and Latin Literature Exams  

Kate Rabiteau, Educational Testing Service. Princeton, New Jersey  (krabiteau@ets.org)      

Shelley Haley, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York  (shaley@hamilton.edu)

Mary Pendergraft, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (pender@wfu.edu)

Presider: Alana Lukes, Paul VI Catholic High School,   Fairfax, Virginia (latinamagistra@rocketmail.com) 


Session B

Wilson 112


Usus Optimi (Best Practices) 


David Volk, Fargo North High School, Fargo, North Dakota  (volkd@fargo.k12.nd.us)

Martha Altieri, Woodbridge High School, Irvine, California  (convention@njcl.org)

Laura Long, Montgomery Central High School, Cunningham. Tennessee   (academics@njcl.org)

Dobbie Vasquez, Menlo School, Atherton, California


Jeremy Walker, Crown Point High School,  Crown Point, Indiana  (pr@njcl.org)

Christine Conklin, Thomas Jefferson School of Science & Technology, Alexandria, Virginia  (constitution@njcl.org)


Presider:  Zee Ann Poerio, St. Louise de Marillac School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (zeepoerio@aol.com)


Session C 

Wilson 113


Latin has WINGS: Carrying Latin into Our Local Communities      

Jennifer Marsh, College of Charleston, Charleston,  South Carolina  (jmarsh@edisto.cofc.edu)      


The Art and Archaeology of Roman Spain   

Kathleen de Riesthal, Commack High School,  Commack, New York   (kderiesthal@yahoo.com)   


Latin, A Language of Mathematics

Paul Manning, Oratory Preparatory School, retired, Summit, New Jersey


Presider: Kristen Boose, Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute (kristenboose@gmail.com)


Session D

Wilson 126


Tablet Tech Killed Rote Memory Stars

Patrick McFadden, St. Mary's Episcopal School, Memphis, Tennessee  (p.mcfadden@stmarysschool.org)


Presider: Cindy Caltagirone, National Latin Exam Consultant (ccaltagirone@satx.rr.com) 


Session E

Buttrick 101

A Brief Introduction to How Latin Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs Became Spanish

Daniel Erickson, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota  (daniel_erickson@und.nodak.edu)


Touring Roman Britain          

Jim Stewart, Sturgis Charter Public School,  Hyannis, Massachusetts (magister18459@hotmail.com)   


Presider:  Joseph Davenport, Norwell Middle School, Norwell,  Massachusetts  (davenport@norwellschools.org


3:00 – 4:00 pm National Junior Classical League Committee Meeting

Wilson 127


3:00 – 4:00 pm Tenth Session of Papers and Workshops

Session A

Wilson 112


Turning ACL Talks into CO Articles

Mary English,  Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey (englishm@mail.montclair.edu)            

Presider: Ken Kitchell, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts  (kkitchel@classics.umass.edu)


Session B

Wilson 101


Top Ten Latin Tunes to Rock Your Classroom         

LeaAnn Osburn, Barrington High School, Barrington, Illinois, retired (Leaannbhs@aol.com)

CC Couch, Sound Inventions (SoundInventions@aol.com)           

Teddy Irwin, Sound Inventions (SoundInventions@aol.com)


Presider: Susan Bonvallet, The Wellington School, Columbus, Ohio (bonvallet@wellington.org)


Session C 

Wilson 113


Beyond Change: The Ages of Man to Arachne to Caesar, a Roman Vision 

Margaret Ross, Franklin Road Academy, Nashville, Tennessee  (rossp@frapanthers.com)             


Presider: Patricia Rektorik-Sprinkle, retired  Denton Public Schools, Denton, Texas  (pj.rektorik@verizon.net)


Session D

Buttrick 101


The Use of Moodle and Virtual Reality in Classics Teaching       

Lisa St. Louis,  Robert Welch University, Appleton, Wisconsin  (lstlouis@robertwelchuniversity.org)  


Presider: Rob Latousek,Centaur Systems, Ltd. Madison, Wisconsin (latousek@centaursystems.com)


Session E

Buttrick 102


Consider Cicero for AP or otherwise!

 Martha Pavao, The Stony Brook School, Stony Brook, New York  (martha.pavao@stonybrookschool.org)

Linda Fabrizio, Garden City High School, Garden City, New York  (fabricia21@hotmail.co)


Presider: Mary Pendergraft,Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (pender@wfu.edu)


4:15 – 5:15 pm Fora: Informal Discussions on Institute Themes. Quo Vadimus?

The focus of these fora is informal discussion of the Institute themes. Presenters who addressed these themes are requested to attend the appropriate session. Participants are asked to submit a written report to the ACL Newsletter.


Session A

Wilson 112


"New" or "Tried and True" Techniques for Teaching Latin and Greek


Wilfred Major, Louisiana State University,  Baton Rouge, Louisiana  (wmajor@lsu.edu)  

Deborah Stakenas, Kentwood Public Schools, Kentwood, Michigan  (deborahstakenas@hotmail.com)


Session B

Wilson 113


Articulating Latin and Greek Programs From K-G


Frank Morris, College of Charleston,  Charleston, South Caroliuna (morrisj@cofc.edu)  

Sue Robertson, Midlothian High School, Midlothian, Virginia (Katherine_Robertson@ccpsnet.net)


Session C 

Wilson 126


The Art, Archaeology and History of the Roman World


Kathleen de Riesthal, Commack High School ,  Commack,  New York  (kderiesthal@yahoo.com)   

Timothy Renner, Montclair State University , Montclair, New Jersey (rennert@mail.montclair.edu)


Session D

Buttrick 101


The Classical Tradition in Popular Culture


Tina Moller, Sandy Run Middle School, Dresher, Pennsylvania (tmoller@udsd.org

Judith de Luce, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio  (delucej@muohio.edu)


Session E

Buttrick 102


Careers in Classics: So What Can I Do With Latin in My Life?


Daniel Solomon, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee  (daniel.p.solomon@vanderbilt.edu)

Mark Thorne, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa  (mark-thorne@uiowa.edu)


7:00 – 9:00 pm Banquet


9:00 – 10:30 pm Farewell Dessert Reception