

The "no-nonsense—common-sense" Provincial Government in Ontario has already effected significant changes at all levels of education, from local administration to curriculum. The Ontario Classical Association (OCA) has taken a pro-active role in the redesign of the provincial syllabus for Latin and Greek, which is now complete, and would seem to ensure the continuance of those languages in the schools. Satisfaction at that progress has been tempered by the news that unlike the Classical Languages, Classical Studies would not be given a new syllabus, and was to be dropped from the provincial curriculum. Strong and cogent protests via fax and letter to the Ministry continue.

In the words of OCA President Margaret-Anne Gillis:

Our achievements speak for themselves. In 1995 the OCA not only produced a report demonstrating that Latin, Greek and Classics were, and still are, a vibrant part of the curriculum of Ontario, but we also took this message to the Ministry. For example, we have consistently maintained more than one hundred Latin programs. By 1997, we had seen enrolment in Classical Civilization courses increase to 2175 student in forty-two schools. Our recommended revisions to Honour Specialist Teacher Certification have been adopted by the Ministry. At last out tenacity was rewarded when, in July 1997, for the first time in more than a decade, the University of Toronto hosted an AQ and Honour Specialist course in Classical Studies: Latin/Greek, making such teaching certification a reality. Our field gained more renown in May 1998 when Mrs. Patricia Bell, our Past president, received the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. Finally, consider that each day, we stand before thousands of students who share our enthusiasm for antiquity. The battle to promote our subject is also carried on assiduously and silently, as we devote more of ourselves to making our classes enjoyable and meaningful. And, our courses are thriving. Are we to forget these achievements? Again, I say resoundingly, no.

This year’s Ontario Student Classical Conference, the largest academic convention in the province, annually attracting 600 students, will be hosted this year by Toronto’s Bishop Strachan School on the campus of the University of Guelph. And thanks to a grant from the Estate of Harry C. Maynard, the Publicity Committee of OCA is already at work on a battery of pamphlets, brochures, posters and articles to promote the classics in the schools. Maynard Scholarships this year went to Sheri Pak (Brock) and James Richards (Toronto). This year OCA is delighted to be part once again of the Saturday program of the CAMWS meeting in Cleveland. Members of CPL are especially invited to join us in their sessions, and celebrate the launching of a new association motto: VIRESQUE ADQUIRIT EUNDO.

On Ottawa, the catastrophe at Carleton University, where all language programs (except French) have been abolished, is still causing its after-shocks. This followed hard upon the down- grading of Classical Studies at the University of Ottawa to a joint department. All this in our nation’s capital, and the hub of diplomatic and cultural activities for the Nation!!


The Department of Classics at the University of Saskatchewan is also being been dissolved, with tenured faculty going to Archaeology and History. Major programs will likely disappear there, leaving only a Minor in Classics, plus interdisciplinary studies in Patristics. We await developments there. CAMWS VP (Saskatchewan) John Porter is our contact in Saskatoon.


A new Centre for Hellenic Civilization, and a first for Canada, has been established at the University of Manitoba. Visit their website: